Thursday, July 29, 2010

Baby Claire (Baby and Childrens Photographer Gilbert Arizona)

(Isn't it funny how she sucks her fingers!?)
This afternoon Claire (and her mama!) stopped by for a little mini shoot!
She's so cute!! I love all of her chunky!
They were nice enough to help me with something..
I've started an ETSY shop with hairbands for babies!
If you want to check it out go to

She was such a good girl, even though we woke her up from her nap and was hungry!

Those fingers again!

We tried out some hats that I had! Hehehehehehe


Kathy said...

Just the most beautiful little bebe ever. I love, love, love the last two - she looks like she is wearing angel wings !!! Thanks, thank you so very much for being so generous with your time and love to our beautiful daughter and her babies.

Melissa said...

she is so cute! i love the flowers!