Saturday, August 9, 2008

Shumway Family


Kathy said...

Rachel: You've made my cry again. I miss my babies so much. What beautiful pictures you took of my beautiful daughter and her family. Thank you so very, very much. I think you should take pictures of Ella & Grace and call them "Black & White". They are both such beautiful little princesses and both have the same sweet smiles and love each other so much. Anyway, thanks so very much for being so good to my family in AZ. Lauren is so fortunate to have you for a friend.

Katrina said...

Beautiful photos Rachel! I would be honored if you would take ours.

Shalyse said...

Rachel, You seriously are amazing at taking pictures. I have been looking at your pictures and trying to take mine how you do it. It is kind of hard when I only have one main person, but the practice is good. Ben was looking at my pictures the other day and said "These are REALLY good pictures!" So that made me happy! The Shumway family pictures are great! I love the waterfall you used as a background!